
We Wanna Play Dirty
Gender Couple
Relationship Married and looking
Location Mesa, AZ
Info & Stats
Sexuality: Bi-Curious
Favorite Porn: Role Playing
Joined: Mar 30th, 2015
Last Seen: Mar 31st 2015
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Board Points: 11
Hubby and I have been married 33 years. Been through a lot. Got the kids grown and out of the house and now enjoying the grandchildren. But, there are other things we would like to enjoy when the kids aren't around! Our fantasies are many; some are fantasy only, others are quite possible under the right circumstances. I really enjoy story telling. I love the thought of making a guy, or a girl, hot enough to cum just by reading my words! And my hubby loves to jack off while I'm in the chat rooms getting strangers off! Guess this is the first "safe" step in our fantasies. We would really like to meet a couple with the same interests and just get to know each other. Maybe just hang out a bit and see where it all leads.

wewannaplay's achievements 2

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