
More and more in bladder
Gender Man
Relationship It's a secret
Location Motherless dungeon
Info & Stats
Sexuality: Gay
Favorite Porn: Choking
Joined: Apr 29th, 2021
Last Seen: 6d ago
Uploads: 16
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Bonjour Depuis des années, je joue avec ma vessie, de plus en plus hard !
Injections de liquides hard, toxiques, petits objets dans la vessie, libres, pas attachés, petites bestioles vivantes...
Je recherche VRAIMENT des amis partageant ces jeux, aussi hard, pour en parler longuement, tenter des expériences nouvelles, de nouveaux produits
Je répondrai à toutes les demandes et suggérions les plus folles. J’essaierai d'aller plus loin, sans prendre trop de risques...
Si vous vous injectez des produits dans la vessie, des objets, petites bestioles, parlons en et faisons des expériences osées...

Hello For years, I play with my bladder, more and more hard!
Injections of hard, toxic liquids, small objects in the bladder, free, not attached, small living critters...
I'm REALLY looking for friends who share these games, just as hard, to talk about them at length, try new experiences, new products
I will answer all the craziest requests and suggestions. I will try to go further, without taking too many risks...
If you inject products into your bladder, objects, small critters, let's talk about it and do daring experiments...

BladderInsert's achievements 1

1 year

BladderInsert's Comments

03 Sep 2022 BladderInsert commented
@CockFluidFan No, no burning sensations with the products I used. But the risk of infections in sensitive people. Me, I don't have any! These are risky games... but I like it!
30 Jun 2021 BladderInsert commented
@BladderInsert Oh ! Yessss !
28 Jun 2021 BladderInsert commented
@salocixem hello, do you like it when it's mean, cruel, besides being hot?


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