
laughter of the Outcast God
Gender Man
Relationship Single and looking
Location Midwest
Info & Stats
Sexuality: Straight
Favorite Porn: Girl on Girl
Joined: Aug 12th, 2015
Last Seen: Jan 8th 2024
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Board Points: 3
Well I hail from the Midwest and I'm fairly active in chat. I'll talk about just about anything that'll catch my interest, but movies, music, games, history, books, and surprisingly sex are all topics I don't mind talking about. I do like , girl/girl, and anal videos. Anything I have uploaded is generally available to friends and I'll accept requests after speaking to you. I have a tendency of apologizing way too much, but I am generally a polite, gentlemanly, honest perv. Look forward to chatting with everyone.

Take the rot, to make it flesh.
Take the skull, the soul to rest.
Take their mind and give them peace.
Take their will. Sensations cease.

"We shall deny Nurgle their flesh to fester and rot"
"We shall deny Khorne their blood and skulls"
"We shall deny Tzeentch their destinies and fates"
"We shall deny Slaanesh their pleasure and pain"
"Death to the Dark Gods"
"For the Renegade God"
"Let the galaxy burn!"

To the Skin, Ice
To the Rot, Fire
To the Skull, Steel
To the Mind, Night

"We are the flames that scorch the garden of rot."
"We are the waves that erode the mountain of skulls."
"We are the quakes that shatter the labyrinth of lies."
"We are the storms that rend the palace of perfection."
"We are Malice."

Jackal6821's achievements 2

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