
A hole is a hole!
Gender Man
Relationship It's a secret
Location Sweden
Info & Stats
Sexuality: Nothing Is Taboo
Favorite Porn: Rough
Joined: Mar 28th, 2019
Last Seen: 1h ago
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Board Points: 37
Alright ... I admit it I am a pig ... at least that's what people around me would think if they knew the things I've done for real and the things I do in my fantasies. Hell if people knew the things I've done for real I'd be in a straight jacket in a padded cell with a face mask on in a deep sub-level of some mental institution, because certainly a man who has done such "unspeakable" things cannot be sane and should certainly not be allowed to walk the streets a free man with a good job, a nice house and a more than half decent income. (According to normal people of course.)

I may have been born different but my cunt of a mother turned me into a dedicated misogynist.

I am also what they call pansexual but at the same time have never felt any emotional attachment to a female, though I have felt that way about a male or two. Mostly though I would say I don't form emotional bonds. I would even go as far as to say I am unable to.

NickThePrick's achievements 2

1 year
5 years

NickThePrick's Comments

2 Hours Ago NickThePrick commented
Especially if it's your sister.
7 Hours Ago NickThePrick commented
@jessywixa Nothing but fucktoys.
2 Days Ago NickThePrick commented
@Marianp Not only that ... For being a cunt you should offer all men you meet to rape you for free, offer them which ever one of your fuckhole they want and take whatever they do to you like a good little whore.
2 Days Ago NickThePrick commented
@Marianp Would you even want to prevent them from raping you?
2 Days Ago NickThePrick commented
@Marianp And that allowed you to deny, at least officially, that you wanted them to rape you.
2 Days Ago NickThePrick commented
@Marianp That's the idea. Let's call it foreplay shall we. Once you're properly beaten I'll rape you.


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