
The diet coke of evil...
Gender Man
Relationship It's a secret
Location CA, USA
Info & Stats
Sexuality: Straight
Favorite Porn: Amateur
Joined: Aug 29th, 2009
Last Seen: Jan 8th 2015
Uploads: 618
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Profile Views: 61,683
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Friend Count: 128
Subscribers: 1,197
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Board Points: 8
The secret side of me, I never let you see
I keep it caged but I can't control it
So stay away from me, the beast is ugly
I feel the rage and I just can't hold it

It's scratching on the walls, in the closet, in the halls
It comes awake and I can't control it
Hiding under the bed, in my body, in my head
Why won't somebody come and save me from this, make it end?

I feel it deep within, it's just beneath the skin
I must confess that I feel like a monster
I hate what I've become, the nightmare's just begun
I must confess that I feel like a monster

I appreciate all artistic shots of the female form, favorite is amateur, not a fan of hollywood porn. If you like what you see, you'll like the subscriber only section even more.

Happy Fappin'

QuasiEvil's achievements 3

1 year
5 years
10 years

QuasiEvil's Comments

08 Mar 2011 QuasiEvil commented
It's a trap


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