
Looking for like minded friend
Gender Man
Relationship It's a secret
Location Midwest, USA
Info & Stats
Sexuality: Bi
Favorite Porn: Masturbation
Joined: Dec 17th, 2018
Last Seen: Feb 7th 2024
Uploads: 1,226
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Profile Views: 16,140
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Friend Count: 277
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Hi - call me Will. I have returned to this site after a while being gone. I am a creative and kind guy. I like to chat and roleplay with men or women. I am bi-sexual, inclined to be submissive and I love nudity and masturbation. I would like to meet like minded folks - for online friendship.

I want to add that I love the arts. I was trained as a classical musician and I love music, dance, theater and visual arts. I feel that the arts are a reflection of human life and need to reflect all dimensions of human life in order to be valid. And then they can speak powerfully. I am also into theology and philosophy. I am religious - but have been exploring various dimensions of Paganism and how devotion to the pagan gods intersects with sexuality. Happy to chat about that!

I am married but this is a complex situation. Happy to share with friends.

My pics with me a collection of art, drawings, cartoons and photos that I have collected. Except for the pics of me, I didn't create the art but they are out on the internet. I am happy to remove if it is yours and you don't want it displayed.These are the pics I find hot and want to share. I also really enjoy bottomless women and vintage pics. I will post some of those pics that I have collected as well.

SweetWillN's achievements 2

1 year
5 years

SweetWillN's Comments

28 Jul 2023 SweetWillN commented
@Omoamoa It's actually in the libretto. I have watched this production from Aix, but I have seen a 2nd production live and in the latter they just brushed past that spot in the libretto and, of course, had no bearing of her breasts, despite the fact she was talking about that. Europe is more willing to experiment with that as you can see from the variety of other production photos I have posted.
28 Jul 2023 SweetWillN commented
@Omoamoa Yes, I agree. She had been disguised as a boy for the entire opera and finally at the end when she comes out as a girl she proves it by baring her breasts. Lovely moment and beautiful opera.
27 Jul 2023 SweetWillN commented
@Armand1000 - Yep, I know - not just girls...
27 Jul 2023 SweetWillN commented
@Omoamoa - Opera - "L'Erismena" by Cavalli
15 Jan 2023 SweetWillN commented
@bethkitten - Undoubtably!
25 Dec 2022 SweetWillN commented
@UnoDos_3 - If you like :)


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