
Neck fetish and throat cut
Gender Man
Relationship It's a secret
Location Motherless dungeon
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Sexuality: Straight
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Joined: Aug 31st, 2021
Last Seen: 14m ago
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toe: throatslit34
Instagram: throat_sl_3444

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archie147's Comments

6 Hours Ago archie147 commented
@unicul_drac she’s teasing me with those hot neck muscles. While raping her, I’ll pull out an ice pick and stab it right into her carotid artery, her blood will splatter out into my mouth
6 Hours Ago archie147 commented
@unicul_drac wow it would be so easy to cut through that thin neck
6 Hours Ago archie147 commented
@unicul_drac first chop off her feet so she can’t run away. Rip off her clothes and tie her hands behind her back. Start raping her while I make a Y cut on her body from her shoulders down to her pussy and expose her innards. Remove her intestines while fucking the little cunt, she would be in unimaginable pain. But her throat when I get bored of her screams and fuck her in the slashed trachea. As a finale, tear her still beating heart out of her chest
12 Hours Ago archie147 commented
@unicul_drac Martina teasing me with her long veiny neck having no clue about my intentions and the knife in my pocket
13 Hours Ago archie147 commented
@unicul_drac stupid ex girlfriend ready for her throat cut
13 Hours Ago archie147 commented
@unicul_drac mmm also great idea


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