
Motherless Girl
Gender Woman
Relationship Babygirl of Darth_Daddy
Location Canada
Info & Stats
Sexuality: Bi-Curious
Favorite Porn: BDSM
Joined: Feb 9th, 2014
Last Seen: 2h ago
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"Do or do not. There is no try."
~ Yoda

"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."
~ Marilyn Monroe

"If loving you makes a slave of me, then I'll spend my whole life in chains." ~ Sophie B. Hawkins

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I have an extremely busy life. What little time I'm not spending being a wife/mother or at work is spent with my online friends. I am not here looking for a hookup. I do not want to see you wank off. And no, you can't cum on my tits. I am here for friendship at this time. If you are okay with that - great! If not, please move along.

These past two years have been a journey of self-discovery for me. I spent eighteen years of my life being miserable and not enjoying sex because I was too afraid to admit to my partner (or even myself) what I wanted in the bedroom. I came from an abusive household and it took a lot of soul searching, courage and determination to break through the barriers that resulted from my childhood. Admitting I liked to be held down, hurt, taken was confusing, exhilarating and terrifying all at the same time.

Before my arrival here, I had been stuck in what was becoming an unhappy marriage with my partner of 20 years. I have only been with my husband sexually. (Shocking, I know.) I had never had an orgasm with my husband, I used to be a prude and couldn't talk openly about sex, and I blushed at the drop of a hat. (Okay, I still blush at the drop of a hat, but I'm working on that!)

Since coming here, my sex life has done a complete 180. I am able to orgasm with my husband, recently learned I was a squirter, and am always looking for ways to spice things up in the bedroom. The hardest thing I have ever done was answer his question, "What is your ultimate fantasy?" with, "Being raped by my Daddy." I was shocked when he didn't freak. Even more shocked when he learned of my online play and didn't divorce me.The most shocking discovery was that my husband, who I thought was vanilla, actually loved being my Daddy and was a bit of a sadist.

So now we are trying to figure things out. How to incorporate BDSM in our daily lives. It is not easy with a three year old. Having him telling our guests, "Mommy has a man with a chainsaw living in our closet" is embarrassing, to say the least. Having him brandish a large pink dildo like it is a Power Rangers sword, even more so.

I am one of those people who you either love or you hate. There isn't much middle ground with me. I can be annoying. I can be immature. I can be a drama queen. I can also be loyal, loving and fun. I love to smile, and sing and act silly in chat. I am very flirtatious and affectionate. I'm also a geek, and I like geeky guys who know what a d20 is. Army of Darkness is my all time favourite movie. I play WoW and DDO. I've tabletop'd rp'd since I was ten. I'm also a Star Wars fanatic. (If you are a trekkie, you are dead to me!)

calikins's achievements 3

1 year
5 years
10 years

calikins's Comments

10 May 2024 calikins commented
@Deanengland223 - most people do? I mean... I haven't had anyone say they hate them. 😂
10 May 2024 calikins commented
@Lust - well you didn't say Tentacle Rape 2.0 so, how was I to know?! 😑
10 May 2024 calikins commented
@Deanengland223 - no, they belong to the one armed man! 😂
10 May 2024 calikins commented
@Lust - these are more Heavy Metal/Hentai kind of toys than Toy Story kind of toys! 😋
23 Mar 2024 calikins commented
@WpgMaster not as much as my ass did!!! 🤣
19 Mar 2024 calikins commented
I would need at least three beds to display all my toys now. 😋


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