Quote Strike

  • I am Lilith, the goddess of two nights who returns from her exile. I am Lilith, the destiny woman. No male escapes my fate and no male would want to escape. I am the two moons Lilith. The black is not complete except for the white, since my purity is the spark of debauchery and my abstinence, the beginning of the possible... Your Goddess Lilith..Your Goddess Of Darkness...Your Goddess Lilith..Your Goddess Of Darkness...Your Priestess Goddess Phoenix 🔥▲☥ ▲🔥

  • My infernal silhouette...There are few who look beyond my silhouette, they fail to understand that behind my reflection I hide the devil, dictating my smiles, a sublime piece of hell, which I hide behind the tenderness of my warm smile, There are few who imagine that I can take anyone from heaven to hell in a single kiss...Your Goddess Lilith..Your Goddess Of Darkness...Your Priestess Goddess Phoenix 🔥▲☥ ▲🔥

  • Sexy, Maleficent, Winged, Curvy, Sinful, Passionate designed for you. Undress and feel the flames of my body fervor. She knows how to satisfy you. She longs to suck, lick, swallow and taste the nectar of your delicious cock. Concupiscent desirous she DEVIL, loving full of lust exciting aphrodisiac of your soul can not resist the passionate temptation to take you from YOUR HEAVEN TO HER HELL of her. Her carnal offering should not be wasted. Could you handle it ??? Would YOU sell ME your SOUL ??? Your Goddess Lilith..Your Goddess Of Darkness...Your Priestess Goddess Phoenix 🔥▲☥ ▲🔥

  • Mi Esclavo Caballero ...Ven a mi encuentro esta noche, que me quemo por dentro, son tantas las ansias, que me estoy volviendo loca, tantas las ganas,que es una tormenta en mi cuerpo. Hoy me he puesto el encaje rojo, y los tacones que tanto te excitan, sé que esta pieza te han vuelto loco antes, y a mí me hacen sentir más que solo tu musa,tu diosa, tu dueña, la razón de tu inquietud. No tardes, qué quizás cuando llegues, encuentres una inagotable humedad entre mis almohadas, Un río de ansias en mis sábanas, En la pequeñísima pieza de encaje. Que cubre el rincón sagrado, Y que está guardado para abrazar tu virilidad. Pues tan solo saber que vendrás mi cuerpo se prepara para recibirte, Y calmar nuestras ansias, Está pasión que nos quema. Mi esclavo caballero ,Te siento ya cerca. Estoy sedientos de tu tacto y de tu boca, mi pussy anhela tu saliva, ese calor de tu boca,la voracidad de tus ansias.Así que por favor no tardes, tienes mi permiso para hacerme tuya, tan pronto cruces la puerta de mi alcoba,
    Ahorrémonos por hoy, Nuestra siempre estimulante y deliciosa charla, deseo sentirte profundamente dentro de mí. Róbame la razón despójame de mí conciencia, Llévame a ese espacio sublime. En el que nuestros cuerpos construyen versos y quedan tatuados por siempre en el alma. La Reina del Infierno... Reina de la Oscuridad... Vuestra Sacerdotisa Diosa Fénix 🔥▲☥ ▲🔥

  • Me llamaron Bruja .. Me llamaron Diabla ... Gran Sacerdotisa...Porque escribí sobre mis deseos sexuales, por mostrarle al mundo que la mujer siente, que ella también se desnuda y tiene fantasías en su cama. Que al igual que un hombre; tenemos necesidad de sexo, porque es humano y las hormonas lo exigen. Me llamaron Bruja .. Me llamaron Diabla ... Gran Sacerdotisa...Porque mostré una parte bella y hermosa de la mujer. Explotarse a sí misma,encontrando el paraíso en sus entrañas, probando el manantial que sale en medio de sus piernas, descubriendo las partes más sensibles de su cuerpo, atreviéndose a besar ella misma su pecho. Me llamaron Bruja .. Me llamaron Diabla ... Gran Sacerdotisa...Porque aprendí a conocer cada rincón de mi cuerpo, me atreví a divertirme con mis amantes... mis juguetes , mis esclavos.BRUJA, DIABLA, SACERDOTISA ...que maravilloso es explorar el erotismo, ese mundo prohibido que nos enseñaron a no tocar y a no explorar. ¿PECADO? ¿BRUJERÍA? A mí que me condenen con gusto, porque aprendí a ser mujer, sin que un hombre me maltratara, ni me utilizara a su antojo. La decisión es mía si quiero estar con alguien, más no me mueve un deseo o una necesidad fisiológica que suele engañar al corazón y a los pensamientos. ¡Libre! ¡Sí, libre de prejuicios! Eso soy, una mujer que nota la diferencia entre libertad y libertinaje sexual. Una mujer que es capaz de decirle a su compañero,oye, por ahí no es, permíteme te enseño, o ven, hagamoslo juntos, porque es mi placer el que quiero compartir contigo.
    BRUJA...DIABLA...SACERDOTISA...Sí señor, Y a mucho honor. Porque amo mi sexualidad y no la regalo a cualquiera. La Reina del Infierno... Reina de la Oscuridad... Vuestra Sacerdotisa Diosa Fénix 🔥▲☥ ▲🔥

  • My Slave Knight...Come meet me tonight, I'm burning inside, there are so many desires, that I'm going crazy, so much desire, that it's a storm in my body. Today I wore the red lace, and the heels that excite you so much, I know that this piece has driven you crazy before, and they make me feel more than just your muse, your goddess, your owner, the reason for your restlessness. Don't delay, perhaps when you arrive, you will find an inexhaustible humidity between my pillows, A river of longing in my sheets, In the tiny piece of lace. That covers the sacred corner, And that is kept to embrace your manhood. Well, just knowing that you will come, my body prepares to receive you, And calm our anxieties, This passion that burns us. My knight slave, I feel you already close. I am thirsty for your touch and your mouth, my pussy longs for your saliva, that heat of your mouth, the voracity of your desires. So please do not delay, you have my permission to make me yours, as soon as you cross the door of my bedroom. Let's save ourselves for today, Our always stimulating and delicious talk, I wish to feel you deeply inside me. Steal my reason , strip me of my consciousness, Take me to that sublime space. In which our bodies build verses and remain tattooed forever in the soul. The Queen of Hell... Queen of Darkness... Your Priestess Goddess Phoenix 🔥▲☥ ▲🔥

  • They called me Witch.. They called me Devil... High Priestess...Because I wrote about my sexual desires, to show the world what women feel, that they also get naked and have fantasies in her bed. That she just like a man; We need sex, because he is human and hormones demand it. They called me Witch... They called me Devil... High Priestess...Because I showed a beautiful part and beautiful woman. Exploiting herself, finding paradise in her bowels, testing the spring that comes out in the middle of her legs, discovering the most sensitive parts of her body, daring to kiss her chest herself. They called me Witch... They called me Devil... Great Priestess... Because I learned to know every corner of my body, I dared to have fun with my lovers... my toys, my slaves. WITCH, DEVIL, PRIESTESS... How wonderful it is to explore eroticism, that forbidden world that we were taught not to touch or explore. SIN? WITCHCRAFT? Let them condemn me with pleasure, because I learned to be a woman, without a man mistreating me, or using me at his whim. The decision is mine if I want to be with someone, but I am not moved by a desire or a physiological need that usually deceives the heart and thoughts. Free! Yes, free of prejudices! That's what I am, a woman who notices the difference between freedom and sexual debauchery. A woman who is capable of telling her partner, hey, it's not that way, let me show you, or come, let's do it together, because it is my pleasure that I want to share with you.
    WITCH...DEVIL...PRIESTESS...Yes sir, And to much honor. Because I love my sexuality and I don't give it away to just anyone. The Queen of Hell... Queen of Darkness... Your Priestess Goddess Phoenix 🔥▲☥ ▲🔥

  • El Diablo dentro de mí, El Demonio frente a Mí...Seducida por la tentación, atrapada por la seducción, la lujuria se me escapó, el miedo se apoderó de mí, era el diablo encima de mí, el demonio apoderándose de mí. Mi cabeza se llenó de ansiedad, sentí una pizca de éxtasis. Vi todo menos un parpadeo, sacándome de mi rutina diaria, se sintió increíblemente fascinante, en mi cabeza quería tocarlo. Mis pensamientos seguían envolviendome, es curioso cómo la belleza me atrae hacia el diablo. La oscuridad se tragó cada pedacito de mí cayendo en su trampa,el diablo que me ha seducido....Puso sus manos sobre mi, coronando mis pezones con su lengua, envolviendo mis piernas alrededor de su cuerpo, húmedo, cálido, suave, sintiendo su impotente polla, abrazada a cada apretón fuerte que él me está dando, sintiendo cada movimiento mi corazón latir a través de las paredes de mi coño, en sincronía con el ritmo de su empuje a punto de reventar dentro de mi, es cuando finalmente deja en mi su gran poder infernal. Dejando EL FUEGO DEL DIABLO...como dije esto fue todo un pensamiento, El diablo dentro de mí, el demonio frente a mí....La Reina del Infierno... Reina de la Oscuridad... Sacerdotisa Diosa Fénix ▲☥▲

  • The Devil inside me, The Demon in front of Me...Seduced by temptation, trapped by seduction, lust escaped me, fear took over me, it was the devil inside me, the devil taking over me. My head filled with anxiety, I felt a hint of ecstasy. I saw everything but a blink, taking me out of my daily routine, it felt incredibly fascinating, in my head I wanted to touch it. My thoughts continued to surround me, it's funny how beauty attracts me towards the devil. The darkness swallowed every bit of me falling into its trap, the devil that has seduced me... He put his hands on me, crowning my nipples with his tongue, wrapping my legs around his body, wet, warm, soft, feeling his helpless cock, embracing every strong squeeze he is giving me, feeling every movement my heart beat through the walls of my pussy, in sync with the rhythm of his thrust about to burst inside me, is when I finally Leave your great infernal power in me. Leaving THE DEVIL'S FIRE...as I said this was quite a thought, The devil within me, the demon in front of me....The Queen of Hell...Queen of Darkness... Phoenix Goddess Priestess ▲☥▲

  • You And Me And The Devil Three....the demon craving something evil. YOU want to enjoy with me ??????????? The Queen of Hell...Queen of Darkness... Phoenix Goddess Priestess 🔥▲☥▲🔥

  • Son de esas noches…Que me encuentro demasiada inquieta, mi cuerpo está ardiendo,como decirlo…Con tantas ganas de una caricia, algo que me robe un suspiro, que me empape el cuerpo, Y que me deje sin aliento. Me siento muy inquieta,Y quiero sentirte aquí conmigo, quiero que apagues este fuego que me quema, sacia tu cuerpo, bebe de mí…Toda esta pasión que me quema,quiero derramarme en tu hombría, hasta la última gota de mi sexo....Vuestra Sacerdotisa Goddess Phoenix 🔥▲☥ ▲🔥

  • They are one of those nights... I feel too restless, my body is on fire, how can I put it... With so much desire for a caress,Something that steals a sigh from me, that soaks my body, and that leaves me breathless. I feel very restless, And I want to feel you here with me, I want you to put out this fire that burns me, satisfy your body, drink from me... All this passion that burns me, I want to pour into your manhood, until the last drop of my sex.. ..Your Priestess Goddess Phoenix 🔥▲☥ ▲🔥

  • I have imagined that moment many times....My Alien Octopus lover 🐙🐙🐙

  • Pruebas mi polvo y el olor de mi cuerpo, se arrastra entre tus dientes ...Con besos oscuros y lascivos, Me robas mis exhalaciones cerradas, Incubus, quemas mi alma temblorosa....

  • Creature Of The Night From Underworld ... Hail Satan !!!

  • I wish that you come to me without warning, that you excite my senses before my body, that your mind penetrates mine and grants it an orgasm, that my desires are so intense so that when your fingers touch my body, my breasts are so hard that By just touching them I may wish to touch your already erect and dripping manhood, that your lips when kissing and sucking them make me moan and scream with pleasure... And when at last your hands reach my already eager sex, I ask you not to stop and caress me like no one else has done it. I wish to feel your mouth descending slowly, to rest in my intimacy and enjoy those oral caresses that are so yours, so mine, and with all that intensity you cause me the desired orgasm until my legs tremble from the pleasure granted. Your Priestess Goddess Phoenix ▲☥ ▲. ..The Queen Of Darkness ▲☥ ▲

  • Reina Sacerdotisa Diosa Fénix ▲☥ ▲

    Con elegancia, estilo y gracia, te deslizas hacia la habitación, poderosamente seductora, con tus poderes en pleno florecimiento. Sabes que estoy paralizado por ti, hipnotizado por tus curvas bien formadas, te mueves lentamente, te veo balancearte y desviarte. Aún no has mirado en mi dirección, solo espero una mirada, esperando que me elijas. Llegaré a tenerte en mis brazos, ya te hice el amor dentro de mi cabeza, vendería mi alma al diablo, para que me lleves a tu cama. Estás tan cerca ahora que puedo sentir la electricidad cuando pasas, tus manos me rozan la mejilla y luego acaricias tu bonito trasero. El encaje morado que llevas, da pequeños destellos de tu piel, cada parte de tu carne desnuda, parece gritar de pecado. Entonces, en el momento en que sucede, extiendes una mano enguantada con encaje morado, extiendo la mano para aceptarlo, me atrevo. para mirar tu rostro. Tu belleza es tan hermosa, como una Diosa que ningún hombre ha visto jamás, que tomo tu mano suavemente y me voy con una Reina. No puedo dejar de mirarte, estoy hipnotizado por tu cara. Me pillas protagonizando, en ese momento compartimos un beso, la ternura mezclada con poder era más de lo que podía desear. Pasé la noche con la Reina, hicimos el amor en su enorme cama, luego tristemente me desperté frío y solo, un sueño solo en la cabeza de este poeta. Pero por algunos momentos fugaces, compartimos un tiempo que fue divino, para una noche especial, la Diosa Reina era mía... La Reina Sacerdotisa del Klan Goddess Phoenix ▲☥ ▲

  • Queen Priestess Goddess Phoenix ▲☥ ▲

    With elegance and style and grace, you glide into the room, powerful seductive, your powers in full bloom. You know I'm transfixed on you, I mesmerized by you shapely curves, you move around slowly, I watch you sway and swerve. Still you haven't looked my way, I'm just hoping for one glance, hoping you will choose me. Will I get to hold you in my arms, I've already made love to you inside my head, I'd sell my soul to the Devil, for you to take me to your bed. You are so very close now, I can feel the electricity as you pass, your hands brushes me across the cheek, then you stroke down your pretty ass. The Purple lace your wearing, gives small glimpses of your skin, every part of your naked flesh, just seems to scream of sin.Then the moment happens you put out a hand gloved in Purple lace, I reach out to accept it, I dare to glance upon your face. Your beauty is so becoming, like a Goddess no man has ever seen, I take your hand gently and walk off with a Queen. I cannot stop staring, I'm hypnotised by your face. You catch me starring, there and then we share a kiss, the tenderness mixed with power was more than I could wish. I spent the evening with the Queen, we made love in her huge bed, then sadly I woke up cold and alone, a dream just in this poets head. But for some fleeting moments, we shared a time that was divine, for one special evening, the Goddess Queen was mine... The Klan Goddess Phoenix ▲☥ ▲

  • Deseo que llegues a mi sin avisar, que excites mis sentidos antes que mi cuerpo, que tu mente penetre la mía y le conceda un orgasmo, que mis deseos sean tan intensos para que cuando tus dedos toquen mi cuerpo, mis pechos estén tan duros que al sólo tocarlos pueda desear tocar tu virilidad ya erecta y chorreante, que tus labios al besarlos y succionarlos me hagan gemir y gritar de placer... Y cuando al fin tus manos lleguen a mi sexo ya anhelante pida que no pares y me acaricies como nadie más lo ha hecho. Deseo sentir tu boca bajando despacio, posarse en mi intimidad y gozar de esas caricias orales tan tuyas, tan mías y con toda esa intensidad me provoques el orgasmo deseado hasta dejarme las piernas temblando por el placer otorgado.. Vuestra Sacerdotisa Goddess Phoenix ▲☥ ▲

  • If it is true that heaven and hell exist, I am most likely going to hell, And I accept it, Because I have had so many bad thoughts about you, And I have wanted so much... a night of lust with you. But if I have to make a last wish, A gift before being condemned, I want it to be you, And no one else... Who takes me to touch the sky, Even if it's just for one night, I want to live it with you... There is nothing that can take away this thirst…I feel for you. Take me to heaven... With every word of yours, Because every caress, Every movement of yours... Will lead me to unleash all my sins. I have been condemned since I was born, And if anyone made me see the reality of things... It was you... Even if hell is a torture, An eternal punishment from which I will never be able to escape, Maybe my soul will become extinct, Maybe my body will burn, Maybe I will lose the meaning of everything, I don't know... But if I can at least spend one night in heaven with you …Eternity in hell, It will not be so painful, It will certainly not be a sentence, I will always have a smile on my face, I will always have that flame that you lit in my chest, My heart will never forget everything you made me feel…And the light of my soul... It can never be extinguished. If it is true that heaven and hell exist... I only ask for one night with you in heaven... That eternity in hell is well deserved, For loving you without your heart belonging to me... Your Lilith, Your Goddess of Darkness, Your Priestess Goddess Phoenix 🔥▲☥ ▲🔥

  • Si es verdad que el cielo y el infierno existen, Lo más seguro es que me voy al infierno,Y lo acepto, Porque he tenido tanto malos pensamientos contigo,Y he deseado tanto… una noche de lujuria contigo. Pero si he de pedir un último deseo, Un regalo antes de ser condenada, Quiero que seas tú, Y nadie más…Quien me lleve a tocar el cielo, Aunque sea solo por una noche, Quiero vivirlo contigo…No hay nada que quite esta sed…Que por ti siento. Llévame al cielo…Con cada palabra tuya,Porque cada caricia,Cada movimiento tuyo…Me llevara a desencadenar todos mis pecados.Condenada estoy desde que nací, Y si alguien me hizo ver la realidad de las cosas…Fuiste tú…Aunque el infierno sea una tortura, Un castigo eterno del cual nunca podré salir,Tal vez mi alma se extinga,Tal vez mi cuerpo se queme,Tal vez pierda el sentido de todo, No lo sé… Pero sí al menos puedo estar una noche en el cielo contigo…La eternidad en el infierno,No será tan dolorosa,Ni mucho menos será una condena, Siempre tendré una sonrisa en el rostro,Siempre tendré esa llama que encendiste en mi pecho, Mi corazón nunca olvidará todo lo que me hiciste sentir…Y la luz de mi alma…Jamás podrá extinguirse.Si es verdad que el cielo y el infierno existen…Tan solo pido una noche contigo en el cielo…Que la eternidad en el infierno la tengo bien merecida, Por amarte sin que tu corazón me pertenezca...Vuestra Lilith, Vuestra Diosa de la Oscuridad,Vuestra Sacerdotisa Goddess Phoenix 🔥▲☥ ▲🔥

  • The Sword of the Fallen ... Of the woman so burned and hot boil the meat on fire looking at the iridescent pussy from an admired bar dreaming about cocks, rituals and sex.The burning ivy lover pray with swollen breasts by an elongated comet that dictates to its agitated shadow the end of the world in her body. Joan of Arc lights her Bow adding firewood to the stove opening a wet awning the five keys in hand putting his hand on the caterpillar. Dancing milked dance the lock is gutted with docile and bitter cry five soldiers dying in a smooth and abrupt crack. Your Priestess Goddess Phoenix 🔥

  • CINCO CONTRA UNA ... De la mujer tan quemada y caliente hierve la carne en fuego mirando al chocho irisado desde un barrote admirado soñando en pollas, rituales y sexo. La amante yedra incendiada reza con los pechos hinchados por un cometa alargado que dicte a su sombra agitada el fin del mundo en su cuerpo. La Juana prende su Arco dándose leña en la estufa abriendo un toldo mojado las cinco llaves en mano metiendo mano a la oruga. Bailando danza ordeñada la cerraja es destripada con grito dócil y amargo muriendo cinco soldados en grieta tersa y abrupta... Vuestra Sacerdotisa Goddess Phoenix 🔥

  • "Aunque no siento tu presencia en cada deseo."

    La Penitencia"...

    Por la noche soñé que me mordías,
    disfrutabas mi piel entre tus fauces,
    con la furia de una fiera embestías,
    provocando el desborde de los cauces.

    Arrancabas placeres con orales,
    bebías mis deseos gota a gota,
    las sensaciones casi celestiales,
    me dictan que por ti seré devota.

    Sentí me arrebatabas hasta el alma,
    llevándome al infierno de la alcoba,
    rompiendo de la noche hasta la calma,
    se escuchaba el aullido de la loba.

    Y ahora al despertar he comprendido,
    que inclusive en la distancia y en la ausencia,
    mis anhelos tienen nombre y apellido,
    que obligan a pagar la penitencia. Vuestra Sacerdotisa Goddess Phoenix 🔥


    That is to say...
    The opportunities to connect deeply with anyone are reduced: Because the vibration is what is in control...
    Not even the fever...
    Not even how good it is...
    Not even the desire you have for it...
    Or anything...Of course, when you are the one who chooses who.

    If consciences are not similar...
    If the vibrations do not go in the same direction...and,
    If power is not available...
    It just won't happen...

    Because your body is no longer just going to look for someone who wants to take out its frustrations on you...

    Your body is going to need more of the other, more of you, more of what you both feel at that moment...

    More about the purpose as a couple...

    So stop crying in the corners about how you haven't had sex since day one and start connecting with men:
    Let them vibrate like you...
    Men who are connected...
    Healthy men...
    Men who don't do the usual...
    Men who are aware of their sexual energy...
    Of his power...
    And about their sex...

    But those men will arrive when you understand what sex really is, more than a union of the body, it is a spiritual and personal union.

    When you honor your womb and your body,
    When you love yourself completely and you're not ashamed to go to bed with the light on...
    When you don't use any man just to fill your hurt self-esteem...
    Because not everything is the same...
    Because being aware is also being aware that sex is no longer and will not be the same as before...
    Sex and the way you approach sex will only be through vibration.
    Or they won't be...

    That will be a real revolution...
    Conscious and necessary...
    A revolution that they need to create sacred human beings but with their feet firmly on the Earth...
    Humans who understand what they do, how they do it and why they do it when they do it...

    They need to do it right...
    They owe it to them as a species...
    Until now they have been doing anything...
    Until now they have not understood anything about the power of sexual energy.
    It's time to start understanding.
    We Are All One.... The Priestess Goddess Phoenix ▲☥▲


    Es decir...
    Se achican las oportunidades de poder conectar profundamente con cualquiera: Porque la vibración es la que está al mando...
    Ni la calentura...
    Ni lo bueno que está...
    Ni las ganas que le tienes...
    Ni nada...Claro esta, cuando tu eres la que eliges quien.

    Si las conciencias no son parecidas...
    Si las vibraciones no van para el mismo lado...y,
    Si la energía no está disponible...
    Sólo no sucederá...

    Porque tu cuerpo ya no va a buscar sólo alguien que quiera descargar sus frustraciones en ti...

    Tu cuerpo va a necesitar más del otro, más de tí, más de lo que sientan los dos en ese momento...

    Más del propósito en pareja...

    Así que dejá de llorar por los rincones con eso de que no tienes sexo desde el primer día y empieza a vincular con hombres:
    Que vibren como tu...
    Hombres que estén conectados...
    Hombres sanos...
    Hombres que no hagan lo de siempre...
    Hombres que sean concientes de su energía sexual...
    De su poder...
    Y de su sexo...

    Pero esos hombres van a llegar cuando tu entiendas qué es el sexo realmente, mas que una union del cuerpo es una unión espiritual y propia..

    Cuando honres a tu útero y a tu cuerpo,
    Cuando te ames entera y no te dé vergüenza acostarte con la luz prendida...
    Cuando no uses cualquier hombre sólo para llenar tu autoestima lastimada...
    Porque no todo es lo mismo...
    Porque tener conciencia también es tener conciencia de que el sexo ya no es ni será igual que antes...
    El sexo y la manera de acercarte al sexo sólo serán por vibración..
    O no serán...

    Eso sí será una verdadera revolución...
    Consciente y necesaria...
    Una revolución que necesitan para crear seres humanos sagrados pero con los pies bien en la Tierra...
    Humanos que entiendan qué hacen, cómo lo hacen y por qué lo hacen cuando lo hacen...

    Necesitan hacerlo bien...
    Se lo deben como especie...
    Hasta ahora han estado haciendo cualquier cosa...
    Hasta ahora no han entendido nada sobre el poder que tiene la energía sexual..
    Es hora de empezar a entender.
    Todos Somos Uno.... Vuestra Sacerdotisa Goddess Phoenix ▲☥▲

  • My infernal silhouette...There are few who look beyond my silhouette, they fail to understand that behind my reflection I hide the devil, dictating my smiles, a sublime piece of hell, which I hide behind the tenderness of my warm smile, There are few who imagine that I can take anyone from heaven to hell in a single kiss... Your Goddess Phoenix 🔥

  • "I love all religions, but I am in love with mine."

    Today my body seduces you
    enkindle your desires,
    There is nothing that gets in your way,
    my legs will be decoys.

    And the spell peaks
    that you want to climb,
    It seems more like a sacrilege
    by wanting to torture them.

    The curves of my hips
    they delight you with their walk
    finding the ways
    to pull you into place.

    And my lips the craving
    that invite you to try
    when looking at the red carmine
    and on one side that mole.

    With whispers from my mouth
    that look like prayer,
    in almost crazy delivery
    I will be your religion.

    Your Goddess Phoenix 🔥

  • "Amo a todas las religiones, pero estoy enamorado de la mia."

    Hoy mi cuerpo te seduce
    enardece tus anhelos,
    no hay nada que se te cruce,
    mis piernas serán señuelos.

    Y las cumbres sortilegio
    que tú quieres escalar,
    más parece un sacrilegio
    al quererlas torturar.

    Las curvas de mis caderas
    te deleitan con su andar
    encontrando las maneras
    de jalarte a su lugar.

    Y mis labios el antojo
    que te invitan a probar
    al mirar el carmín rojo
    y en un lado ese lunar.

    Con susurros de mi boca
    que parecen oración,
    en entrega casi loca
    yo seré tu religión.

    Vuestra Goddess Phoenix 🔥

  • Mi infernal silueta...Son pocos los que miran más allá de mi silueta, no alcanzan a comprender que detrás de mi reflejo esconder al demonio, dictando mis sonrisas, sublime pedazo de infierno, el que escondo tras la ternura de mi tibia sonrisa, pocos son los que imaginan, que puedo llevar a cualquiera de el cielo hasta el infierno en un solo beso...Vuestra Goddess Phoenix !!!
  • @theklan Yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssss con solo escuchar que lo quieresssssssssssssssssssssss es una ADRENALINA AL MAXIMO :) Creeme que vas a desearlo miles de veces. Preparate para este DEMONIO DENTRO DE MI DARTE un gran viaje de lujuria ................
  • @theklan No tengo duda alguna que seran momentos inolvidables. Ya con solo pensarlo los estoy disfrutando :)
  • I love sucking the cock's of my Klan 🔥

  • Este año me permito el lujo de felicitarme a mí mismo...Hoy que cumplo un año más de vida, he decidido darme la oportunidad de un nuevo rumbo a mis pasos. He decidido encaminar mi andar hacia mi felicidad, paz y a la armonía.

    De poder valorar todo cuanto valgo y todo cuanto he crecido en estos últimos 365 días. Voy a vivir, aprender y crecer de muchas maneras. Voy a descubrir y alcanzar todos mis sueños, no aceptaré un “NO” por respuesta. y nunca jamás me rendiré.

    Viajes, música, conocimientos, aventuras, descubiertas, y un boleto hacia la vida con parada en diferentes estaciones, todas ellas seran redactadas, escritas como un diario de un ambulante, son los regalos perfectos para este mi aniversario de existencia...nunca jamás me detendre..me rendiré.

    Si un dia para festejar MI GRAN EXISTENCIA Y ESENCIA en esta vida. el poder descubrir, saber, sentir, ver lo que tanto estoy buscando "EL PROPÓSITO" "MI MISIÓN" de vida. Y cuando ese momento llegue es cuando sentire el verdadero significado de toda vida " LIBERACIÓN".

    Este es mi año....

  • This year I allow myself the luxury of congratulating myself... Today, as I celebrate another year of life, I have decided to give myself the opportunity to take a new direction in my steps. I have decided to direct my walk towards my happiness, peace and harmony.

    To be able to appreciate everything I'm worth and everything I've grown in these last 365 days. I will live, learn and grow in many ways. I will discover and achieve all my dreams, I will not accept "NO" for an answer. And I will never ever give up.

    Trips, music, knowledge, adventures, discoveries, and a ticket to life with stops at different stations, all of them will be written, written like a diary of a street vendor, they are the perfect gifts for this my anniversary of existence...never again I'll stop..I'll give up.

    Yes, one day to celebrate MY GREAT EXISTENCE AND ESSENCE in this life. the power to discover, know, feel, see what I am looking for so much "THE PURPOSE" "MY MISSION" of life. And when that moment arrives is when I will feel the true meaning of all life "LIBERATION".

    This is my year....

  • Hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I´m real thirsty ...So delicious !!!

  • Sexy, Maleficent, Winged, Curvy, Sinful, Passionate designed for you. Undress and feel the flames of my body fervor. She knows how to satisfy you. She longs to suck, lick, swallow and taste the nectar of your delicious cock. Concupiscent desirous she DEVIL, loving full of lust exciting aphrodisiac of your soul can not resist the passionate temptation to take you from YOUR HEAVEN TO HER HELL of her. Her carnal offering should not be wasted. Could you handle it ??? Would YOU sell ME your SOUL ???

  • Into my ear you whisper things that make me weak with desire a fire inside me starts to burn..Oh how you set my body ablaze, My eyes you look into as though you can see my soul. Love your mysterious and provocative gaze, causing you to touch my skin your burning flames I feel. Your soul, blood boiling throughout. Emotions electrifying pure intoxication stimulating, your hands flow over me. Touching my every curve every part of me. My legs seem to move apart automatically a mystical ride you lift me on while my body you know will guide the way. From a fire lit inside my being as I scream and beg harder and harder. This fire so immense so full of thirst and heat not even water would extinguish the fire in me, I am burning endlessly. All I want is to let go, you got me yearning, soaking wet. I feel you pause deep inside me and pull out and push hard back in with ecstasy and pure delight I moan, and get shivers all about. Flames of desire and passion take control of me... Extinguished like the candles in our burning hellish desires...My Devil Love...The Queen of Hell...The Queen of Darkness...The Phoenix Goddess Priestess ▲☥▲

  • It´s a DARK...We´re facing the DEMON straight in its face. We all searching for someone who DEMON play with ours. Sometimes, my DEMON love to come out and play with me. My thighs and hips are on fire. Gentle touch..evil stare seductive yet subtle slowly devouring my soul it's suicide sexy out of control...INTO THE ETERNAL DARKNESS, INTO FIRE, INTO ICE.. Would you like to meet one of my demons ????? The Queen Of Devil...The Goddess Of Darkness...I Am The Priestess Goddess Phoenix ▲☥▲

  • "LET ME SUCK YOUR SOUL"...She gloms the soul dark and slow.She sours light to muted glow. Smothered intentions of passion. She strip you off everything, don't hold back show me your naked mind and soul. She arouse you with deep moments of lust from the depths of your eternal desires. She want to worship your soul with her divine energy in your cock gently stimulating your unique vibrations. Let me penetrate your mindset, let me suck at your soul. I wants to tenderly kiss your ancient wisdom. Our body language will becomes a prayer every thought a glass of wine on the altar of all embracing passion,sexuality, eroticism and our lust. Can YOU Feel Me ????? Are you willing to give ME Your Soul ???? The Queen Of Darkness...The Queen Of DEVIL...The Priestess Goddess Phoenix ▲☥▲

  • Loving massage and suck cock ...What a delicious feeling !!!!

  • My tongue flicks around your tip, My hand gripping your full length, sliding up and down, up and down, down and up as my tongue maneuvers on your crown, i let you dive into my mouth, until i feel your head on my throat, I can sense the ecstasy running through your body, leaving you wet and slimy. I rub your balls and suck on them like a delicious caramel,. I massage them as i suck and suck with all the passion in me. Hummmmmmmm I'm loving, so delicious.The Priestess Goddess Phoenix ▲☥▲

  • The Sweet Taste ...The sweet taste of the gods. Still lingers in my mouth. A succulent tasty morsel. A treasure worth its find. Wet and juicy that fills my mouth with madness passion like An edible sexy. With nectar sweet as honey. A syrup of flowing silk, like a bubbly kind of lava. As smooth as warm clear milk. A dessert at its very best, when embraced with lots of passion.... Is the heat of my desires... The Queen Of Hell...The Queen Of Darkness...The Priestess Goddess Phoenix ▲☥▲

  • I have already captured a piece of you and I have captivated your soul. The only thing left for me to present to you is my very being and I do that willingly, happily, and most of all lovingly. On knees before you I watching your every movement of your when I suck your delicious cock. Alternate silences and moans summon the dream goddess. Seeing the desire in your eyes, I have witnessed an a moment as beautiful as this. Neither one of us can speak and we are finding, even breathing, is difficult.Your heartbeat is pounding out a rhythm that almost assaults my ears.I can hear it still on my knees in front of you and every beat speaks of your passion for me .I offer you, slowly . . . lovingly . . . sensuously . . .MY SANCTUARY OF PLEASURE ... and search for what lies within. You don't have to look far, you know . . .Dive into my overwhelming waterfall and inhabit me in sighs in outbreaks of lust. Awaken the hidden storm, unrestrained explosion of dormant sensations, outcropped in skin and delivered to the simplicity of feeling. Descending to the center, hollow hell of the earth. Ascending finally to infinity, witnessing the union of the spirits...The Queen Of Hell...The Queen Of Darkness...The Priestess Goddess Phoenix ▲☥▲

  • My mouth feels empty and it needs to be filled, being filled is not really the word I should use to describe the urgency of my hunger.I want your cock inside my mouth…need to suck, and lick, bite and taste. The velvet soft skin of your hard, throbbing shaft.Trace the contours of your beautifully crafted cock with my tongue. Sucking the salt off, as it mar's the sweet taste of your cum. I've never had this urgent greed before. Obsessed by a cock so much as yours.This urgency to take your balls and feel their coolness. In the hot, moist cavity of my mouth. Feeling them jump as my tongue presses against them. Urging me to suck hard so they cannot tease me any longer. Like a starved animal I gorge, a frenzied attack, to feed my addiction.Wanting to take all of you and suck you dry. Connected in mind and body..drenched in your orgasm, soaking up your cum. "I'm your cock sucking whore…your personal goddess." The Queen Of Hell...The Queen Of Darkness...The Priestess Goddess Phoenix ▲☥▲

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